Test Microsoft Video Games
One of my first jobs was testing video games for Bally Midway back in the 80’s. I actually got paid to play video games, and much to my surprise they even listened to my suggestions. Being a Video Game Test Pilot was one of the most fun jobs I have ever had. I am even more amazed that I still get to do it as an adult. I love my job.Want to give it a try?
Microsoft is always on the look out for new people to test out their video games. Sure, you won’t get paid, but you will get a nice gift, and the right to say you played it first. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll have your own video game website and be able to sit around all day playing the latest video games with your friends.It’s called “The Playtest Program” and according to Microsoft it’s “The most fun you’ll have testing software”By enrolling in the Playtest program you will be eligible to participate in lab sessions, surveys and site visits. Once enrolled and scheduled to participate in a study, you will be offered a gratuity selection at the conclusion of your study.
Enrollment takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Click here to enroll into the Playtest program.
Sign up to be eligible for Microsoft Game Studio research activities and see for yourself!
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